

Why Businesses Are Building On Solana | Baxus, Tzvi Wiesel

Gm! This week we welcome Tzvi Wiesel Founder & CEO of Baxus to discuss why they're building on Solana, growing a global marketplace for spirits & of course... how Baxus are bringing whiskey onchain. Enjoy!


Follow Tzvi Wiesel: https://x.com/web4O

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(00:00) Introduction

(00:58) Baxus Overview

(09:02) Permissionless Ad

(10:04) Account Abstraction

(13:58) User Flow & Experience

(22:05) Marketplace Dynamics

(31:17) App Chain vs Solana

(40:45) DeFi & Institutional Demand

(51:49) Market Size of Rare Spirits & Wine



Lightspeed was kickstarted by a grant from the Solana Foundation.

Nothing said on Lightspeed is a recommendation to buy or sell securities or tokens. This podcast is for informational purposes only, and any views expressed by anyone on the show are solely our opinions, not financial advice. Mert, Dan and our guests may hold positions in the companies, funds, or projects discussed.

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