Felix Leupold

Felix Leupold

CoW Protocol | Technical Co-Founder

Felix joined the Ethereum ecosystem full-time in 2018 after having worked on encrypted messaging infrastructure at Facebook for 3 years. He is now leading the technical development for CoW Protocol - the decentralized trading protocol based on Batch Auctions. His focus is on MEV resistant exchange mechanisms that allow efficient and fair price finding tailored to the EVM.

His first crypto experience was at Gnosis, a blockchain company originally focussed on developing prediction markets. Felix researched and built fair exchange mechanisms for Ethereum which later turned into its own project - CoW Protocol. He is now leading the technical development at CoW Swap, a frequent batch auction mechanism on Ethereum, that aims to solve MEV by batching orders and clearing every trade at a single uniform price per block. This makes trading more efficient and achieves fairness for the least sophisticated participants while reducing the power for rent extracting parties such as "searchers" and "arbitrageurs".