James Newman

James Newman

WebN Group | Global Head of Business Development

James is Global Head of Business Development at WebN Group, the Alan Howard backed incubator for Fintech & Web3 innovation. Prior to WebN, James worked at Brevan Howard, in Alan Howard’s Family Office, focusing on Principal Investing across Crypto, Web3, Fintech & Frontier Technologies.

Having been heavily involved in Web3 & Digital Assets Markets for 7 years, James started his career with ~15 years of investment banking experience across multi-asset trading, derivative, sales and structuring across a number of top tier banks. James’s deep understanding of digital asset markets and his extensive derivative, treasury and trading experiences have been central to various digital venture builds, developing innovative solutions and bootstrapping technological expansion across both traditional finance players and digital natives.

James is a qualified Chartered Financial Analyst® and holds a Masters in Finance & Honours Degree in Economics from Durham University. Previously, James has published quant, financial and regulatory papers across traditional and digital markets, most recently for the Digital Economic Initiative.