Ro Khanna

Ro Khanna

United States Representative

Ro Khanna is serving his fifth term in Congress, representing California’s 17th District, which
covers the heart of Silicon Valley. His focus is on expanding the digital economy to places left out
of the innovation revolution to create new jobs and a manufacturing revolution with new
American industry and good jobs in every community. Ro serves as the Ranking Member of the
House Armed Services Subcommittee on Cyber, Innovative Technologies and Information
Systems (CITI), which oversees emerging technologies like AI, all laws pertaining to the military,
and exercises oversight on the NDAA. Additionally, Ro serves as the Chair of the India Caucus,
and as a member of the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the United
States and China.

Ro has worked across the aisle to get things done and was named the California House Democrat
most likely to get a bill signed into law during the Trump Administration. He has led the charge
on a political reform package to ban members of Congress from trading stocks and establish term
limits and a judicial code of ethics for Supreme Court Justices. Ro authored the bipartisan
Endless Frontiers Act, which became the CHIPS and Science Act, with Senate Majority Leader
Schumer and Republicans Congressman Mike Gallagher and Senator Todd Young, to revitalize
American R&D and manufacturing and onshore semiconductor production. Ro has authored and
passed laws to modernize the federal government, protect against cyber threats, create veteran
apprenticeships, and make it easier for the National Guard and reserve forces to access disability
and pension benefits.

He played a key role in passing President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law, serving as the key negotiator between progressives, the White House, and the
Senate to secure passage of the biggest climate investment in U.S. history.

As the former Chair of the House Oversight Subcommittee on the Environment, Ro held the first
Congressional hearing with Big Oil executives during which, under sworn testimony, they
admitted to knowing for decades the impacts of drilling and fracking on our environment and
knowingly disseminating misinformation to mislead lawmakers and consumers- similar to the
confessions gained during the Big Tobacco hearings of the 1990s.

Ro has been a leading voice in Congress to limit a President’s power to declare war and send
American troops into conflict without Congressional approval, passing the first successful War
Powers Act in Congressional history to end the use of the U.S. military in Saudi’s war efforts
against innocent Yemeni. Additionally, Ro traveled to the Middle East in 2024 to push for a
ceasefire in Gaza and successfully secured a commitment from the Israeli government to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza through restricted borders. He was recognized with a Profile in
Courage award for his efforts and principled stances.

Ro’s mission is to reinvigorate American manufacturing hallowed out over the last 30 years and
onshore production, and create good, high paying jobs, utilizing technology. Ro has already led
public-private partnerships between tech companies, local governments, community colleges,
HBCUs, and universities across the country. You can find more on these efforts here.