Ziad Iskandar

Ziad Iskandar

BNY Mellon | Senior Lead Advanced Solutions & Digital Assets Unit

Ziad heads client engagement within Advanced Solutions & Digital Assets Unit at BNY Mellon. Ziad is a senior lead assisting with the deployment of our assets around artificial intelligence, machine learning and leads the Digital Assets Execution workstream

Ziad Iskandar joined BNY Mellon from BNP Paribas where he was head of Global Markets Digital Solutions for the Americas.

In this role, he focused on improving the platform’s overall efficiency leveraging AAI/ML, Blockchain and managed connectivity with FinTech companies which met the organization’s R&D needs.

Ziad led and executed digital client initiatives to improve productivity & connectivity.

Formerly Ziad was Head of sales and global head of Fixed Income Listed Derivatives execution at BNP Paribas, RBS and UBS