Bitget TokenBGB
Live Bitget Token price updates and the latest Bitget Token news.
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The live Bitget Token price today is $6.65 with a 24-hour trading volume of $588.76M. The table above accurately updates our BGB price in real time. The price of BGB is down -1.03% since last hour, down -14.44% since yesterday. The live market cap, measured by multiplying the number of coins by the current price is $7.98B. BGB has a circulating supply of 1.20B coins and a max supply of 1.20B BGB.
Bitget Token Stats
What is the market cap of Bitget Token?
The current market cap of Bitget Token is $7.98B. A high market capitalization implies that the asset is highly valued by the market.
What is the current trading activity of Bitget Token?
Currently, 88.54M of BGB were traded within 24 hours of time. In other words, $588.76M have changed hands within the past 24 hours through trading. That's a change of -14.44%.
What is the current price of Bitget Token?
The price of 1 Bitget Token currently costs $6.65.
How many Bitget Token are there?
The current circulating supply of Bitget Token is 1.20B. This is the total amount of BGB that is available.
What is the relative popularity of Bitget Token?
Bitget Token (BGB) currently ranks 26 among all known cryptocurrency assets. The popularity is based on relative market cap.
market data
$ 7.98B
-14.44 %
$ 588.76M
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