Jon Rice

Jon Rice

Jon is the editor-in-chief at Blockworks, based in the Rocky Mountains. Previously, he served as editor-in-chief at Cointelegraph, where he also created and edited the long-format magazine publication. He is the co-founder of Crypto Briefing, which launched in 2017. Jon is a staunch advocate for diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity in the blockchain industry, and a firm believer in the potential for personal empowerment offered by the democratization of financial markets. Contact Jon at [email protected]

Who’s dumping USDT, and why are they so keen to get rid of their tethers?


The exchange warned customers to withdraw USD funds by June 13


Gensler’s latest actions demonstrate his continuing disregard for American investors, entrepreneurs and interests


Ban crypto, and immediately we have no problems with illegal drugs, right?


DeSantis says that the Biden administration will ban Bitcoin. Good luck with that.


Criminal behavior will get you to the bottom of this list


Brad Sherman won’t be on the receiving end of a lawsuit… this time.


Maximalists rejoice! This article will deeply trigger you, leading to indignant tweets with tons of engagement!


Gary Gensler refuses to answer the question, so we’ve gathered all the clarity in one easy-to-read article


SEC Chair Gary Gensler says the digital asset industry has clarity — here’s that clarity, in full


If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck… why DYOR is more than a hashtag


Gary Gensler: “Come in and get registered!” Also Gary Gensler: “And we’re suing you when you try.”


Hint – it’s not because their surnames begin with S


“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: But when I became a mature and pragmatic industry, I put away childish things.”


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!


Who will advocate for crypto in Washington now?