
Since November, validator revenue consistently netted at least $40 million every roughly two days, according to data from 21 co

The L1’s unique “proof-of-liquidity” consensus attracted $3.1 billion in pre-deposits

Some are calling for Solana to pump the brakes until validators are able to share the extra fees with stakers

Multicoin Capital proposal would likely drive down inflation but would also lower staking yields

The “main reason most validators aren’t running [Frankendancer] yet is because it doesn’t capture MEV efficiently,” a source told us

By enabling slashing, Solana would have a way to punish validators who slow down the network

A Solana researcher identified that the network’s top sandwich bot was pocketing millions of dollars a day from sandwich attacks

The two largest crypto exchanges respectively run the second- and sixth-largest Solana validators

Daily validator revenue has been in excess of $30 million every day since mid-October

The proposed amendment takes aim at Solana’s “compute budget” program, which was put in as a safeguard against computational waste

Solana’s second unique validator client, Firedancer, is widely said to be more performant than the Agave client

Every blockchain has a means of governance, but when it comes to upgrading Solana, the means are perhaps less widely-known

The marketplace, which is not yet live, will have validators bid for delegation from some staked solana

Roughly 90% of validators have upgraded to the new software, and many have reported using the scheduler

Guardian Council participants include the Solana Foundation, Everstake, Triton One, Juicy Stake and Kiln

Ether isn’t exactly close to record highs, but some validators are still making a move
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