Gary Vaynerchuk on How He Bought 59 CryptoPunks

“A lot of people have the majority of their net worth tied up in their tokens. That scares the piss out of me,” Vaynerchuk said.


Gary Vaynerchuk via his blog on Medium


key takeaways

  • Vaynerchuk, who spoke at 321 Blast Off: NYC, told attendees that when investing in NFTs people should do more research on the projects they’re interested in
  • “The biggest thing that helps me in the beginning is seeking out the counterpoint to my own point of view,” he said.

Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of VaynerMedia, was an early investor in technology giants like Facebook, Venmo and Twitter. Now, the media mogul is bullish on non-fungible tokens (NFTs), owning over a 1,000 of the crypto assets, including 59 CryptoPunks, as of press time.

Vaynerchuk, who spoke at 321 Blast Off: NYC, told attendees that when investing in NFTs people should do more research on the projects they’re interested in, specifically the founders and buildings, instead of having solely “their own financial interests in mind.”

“What I don’t think people understand is that if the founders of the project are unable to continue to build success, people will become bandwagon fans, and they will sell their token and go join another community,” Vaynerchuk said. 

“And I think people are supporting projects where they don’t even know the founders’ names, let alone capable of building a property. So I think there’s an enormous amount of carnage coming and the amount of money that’s going to be lost, it’s going to be scary,” he added.

About those 59 CryptoPunks

Vaynerchuk said prior to buying he “really did a lot of homework” and then “spent the next 72 hours [reading up] on the anti-punk point of view.”

To date, he has invested $32.6 million in those 59 CryptoPunks.

“The biggest thing that helps me, in the beginning, is seeking out the counterpoint to my own point of view,” he said. 

Ape Punk 2140 owned by Vaynerchuk

“I would actively search Twitter for the counterpoint of view. Because I think what ends up happening is people buy something they like — and then it almost becomes an echo chamber,” Vaynerchuk said. 

Additionally, he recommended investors diversify their cryptocurrency portfolios, adding that “a lot of people have the majority of their net worth tied up in their tokens [and] that scares the piss out of me.”

“Don’t let your short-term financial arbitrage be the foundation of your point of view,” Vaynerchuk said.


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Solana Mobile is a highly ambitious foray into the mobile consumer hardware market, seeking to open up a crypto-native distribution channel for mobile-first applications. The market for Solana Mobile devices has demonstrated a phenomenon whereby external market actors (e.g. Solana-native projects) continuously underwrite subsidies to Mobile consumers. The value of these subsidies, coming in the form of airdrops, trial programs, and exclusive NFT mints, have consistently covered the cost of the phone and generated positive returns for consumers. Given this trend in subsidies, the unit economics in the market for Mobile devices, and the initial growth rate and trajectory of sales, it should be expected that Solana mobile can clear 1M to 10M units over the coming years. As more devices circulate amongst users, Solana Mobile presents a promising venue for the emergence of killer-applications uniquely enabled by this mobile-first, crypto-native distribution channel.


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